Hi, my name is

Priyanshu Pandey

I am a developer.

I'm an aspiring software developer 🧑‍💻 with the interest in the field of Full-stack web development, React-Native cross platform development, with the technologies of Blockchain, Web 3.0 🛠️ as well as Data Science 🚀.

EJY Health
Sarvrpriye Foundation
Academy of Skill Development
BasketHunt Pvt. Ltd.
Abhyuday IITB

I'm Priyanshu Pandey.

👨‍💻 I'm a tech-enthusiast, hard-working, determinent and outstanding junior year college student currently majoring in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineerng at Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology. I love building full-stack web applications, native applications for android and iOS & learning new cutting edge modern technologies. I also enjoy wokring on real-world blockchain, web3.0 and data-science projects. I have a strong interset in problem-solving using Data Structures and Algorithms.

🎶 When I'm not coding, I love listening soothing, folks songs and feel happy while singing them. I like playing badminton and cricket.

My preferred weapons of choice 👇

JavaScript (NextJS/ReactJS)
React Native
Tensorflow/Data Science

My Coding Projects⚒️

Gmail Website

A website like Gmail which is created using ReactJS, the React-Router is implemented for the mail page, React-Redux has been used as a state management tool. The firebase is used for the authentication and firebase firestore is used as a database. React-Hook-Form is used for compose and Material-UI icons have been used.

🔗GitHub Repo

ReactJS with React-Router, Redux
React-Hook Form
Authentication with Firebase

Blog Posting Site

This project is just like the medium.com UI and created using NextJS which is framework for ReactJS with TypeScript implementation. The content is managed by the Sanity CMS platform integrated with website. It has very slik user experience and having Tailwind CSS with private comment functionality. The NextJS features such as Server Side Rendering (SSR) and Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) to speed up for page loading and optimising the cache of the page.

🔗GitHub Repo

Tailwind CSS
Sanity as Headless CMS

Google Clone

It is not the Google 😅 but just like the google UI and search functionality through API. The website is fully responsive, suitable for mobile phones too as it has been made using Tailwind CSS and heroicons are used for the icons. The pagination functionality is implemented for every search result. It has NextJS on top of ReactJS and Server Side Rendered pages.

🔗GitHub Repo

Programmable G-Search Engine

Instagram Feed

This website is fully mobile responsive web app build using Tailwind CSS. NextJS has been on top of ReactJS with Server Side Rendering(SSR). Firebase/Firebase Storage API has been for storing the pictures. It has custom authentication screen of Google using NextAuth. Faker-js has been used for showing the dummy data. Popular Tailwind CSS Heroicons and other Tailwind features are used for better UI experience. The users can like, comment, and upload their posts. Recoil has been used as a state management tool.

🔗GitHub Repo

Tailwind CSS
NextAuth and Firebase
Instagram site

MERN Media

MERN Media has the login, logout and signup features using JWT(JSON Web Token) authentication and BcryptJS has been used for encrpyting and decrypting purpose. The users can view others and their own profile and can make a post with their title and contents also they can like, dislike, comment on posts and follow, unfollow the other people as well as They can view the posts from their follwing. NodeJS has been used as a backend, ExpressJS for API Calls, MongoDB for storing the documents and collections, Cloudinary for storing the images.

🔗GitHub Repo 1 🔗GitHub Repo 2


Crypto Lottery Draw DApp

The Lottery Draw App comes with the features of login, logout using MetaMask. It has the admin control assigned and the admin can draw the winner, withdraw commission, restart the draw and can refund the bought lottery ticket charges to all. The Solidity smart contract has been deployed using thirdweb on Polygon Blockchain with MATIC Network. TypeScript has been used for error free robust code. The website is fully responsive and has TailwindCSS.

🔗GitHub Repo

ThirdWeb and MetaMask Auth
Tailwind CSS
lottery text

NFT Drop DApp

This is fully reponsive NFT collections website using Tailwind CSS. It has authentication with MetaMask. NFT drop collection smart contracts are released with Thirdweb. Users can mint a real NFT which will be visible on OpenSea. NextJS framework for React is used to make the site efficient and optimized and TypeScript for type checking of code. Sanity CMS is also used for managing the NFT related contents.

🔗Github Repo

Tailwind CSS
Auth with MetaMask

UPS Native App

This is a delivery tracking app using React-Native for iOS & Android. This is scenerio based build and the JSON data is already given, the GraphQL interface backend of StepZen is directly connected to the Firebase Realtime database and implemented for the app. Tailwind CSS is used for the UI and React Native Elements to style the UI. Custom React Hooks has been also implemented and it has nested navigation to navigate between screens including Nested and Tab Navigators. TypeScript is used with React-Native.

🔗GitHub Repo

StepZen/ GraphQL
Tailwind CSS

Diabetes Prediction

A Machine Learning project for predicting the diabetes of a person on various parameters having the criteria of Glucose, Blood Pressure, Insulin, Skin Thickness etc.. The K-Nearest Neighbour, Logistic Regression and Decision Tree model are used to compare the higher accuracy of results in them. The evaluation of miss-classified values from the model and later on the accuracy is shown. Testing for the every model is also performed.

🔗GitHub Repo

Machine Learning/Python
Logistic Regression
Decision Tree Model
diabetes prediction

Pan Card Tampering

This project is to help the organizations in detecting whether the ID (here Pan Card) provided to them by anyone is original or not. It takes the image from the user, the change in shape, size and format of the image according to original image takes place then converting them to grayscale and finding the similarity index and threshold. After finding the contour, original, difference, threshold, and tampered images are shown.

🔗GitHub Repo

Computer Vision
Python Imaging Library
Structural Similarity Index Metrices
pan card tampering

Exploring the Techs⚙️

Web development

Full-stack web development

Work using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, NextJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, ExpressJS, TailwindCSS, MUI, React-Redux, Recoil, Sanity, GraphQL, Firebase, Sanity CMS, Vercel.


Full-stack app development

Work with React-Native, Expo, React-Native Elements, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Nested-Navigations, Stepzen, GraphQL, ApolloGraphQL Maps, Firebase, Custom-Hooks.


Blockchain/Web3 development

With the help of Solidity, MetaMask, Thirdweb, NFT Collections, ReactJS, NextJS, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Sanity CMS.


Data Science

Deals with Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Visison using Python, Scikit-learn, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Tensorflow, OpenCV.

My Experiences🧑‍💻

aug. 2022-feb.2023

EJY Health Pvt. Ltd.

Product Manager Intern

Working directly under the CEO of the company, delivering end to end solutions with edge cutting research

and case studies in the health care areas, studying and ideating the various processes using technologies such

as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Blockchain.

JUn. 2022-aug.2022

Sarvpriye Foundation

Web Developer Intern

Worked for developing an e-commerce website for foundations’ platform Prakritik to support the women

artisans, their handicraft and art works, sustainable handlooms and other products, the website is created

using Wordpress, Woocommerce, Elemenator, Yoast for various use cases and Razorpay and PayU payment

integration is introduced.

mar. 2022-may.2022

Academy of Skill Developement

Machine Learning Intern

Got mentored and trained under the industry expert who is Microsoft & HPE certified technical trainer

working to ASD for the project completion in the area of Machine Learning by the concepts of AI, ML using

Python, Explored various algorithms of classifications and regression by applying scientific and mathematical

approaches and implemented algorithms for the different problems.

aug. 2022-oct.2022

BasketHunt Pvt. Ltd.

Business Administrator

Administrated all the departments including HR, IT, Operations and Product Management of Line of Business

(LOB) of Academy at BasketHunt. I have directly worked with the Managers of the company for improving

the business growth and coming up with new strategies to enhance the overall performance of LOB.

Educational Details🏫

Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Punjab

Bachelor of Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering (2020-2024)

Naga Ji Saraswati Vidya Mandir Inter College, Ballia - UP

Intermediate, 2020

NagaJi Saraswati Vidya Mandir Higher Secondary School, Ballia - UP

High School, 2018

My Achievements👨‍🎓

Academic Achievements
🔗See Here
Extra-Curricular Achievements
🔗See Here

What People Say About Me👇

Being a teacher and mentor, I recommend Priyanshu Pandey as a dedicated and very sincere student. He has proved to be an excellent leader and the person with great commitment and substance. His interpersonal skills, persistence and positive attitude will definitely lead him to his big dreams in the professional world. I feel proud to have such student of me who has been working consistently for a great career as well as for establishment of a great society or nation.My best wishes and blessings to him forever.
Dr. Gulshan Kumar Jawa
Assistant Professor @ SLIET
Mr Priyanshu Pandey has a remarkable leadership quality. It was a good experience while working with him. He has coordinated various activities on his own under the aegis of IIChE student chapter , SLIET. He is good at connecting with people at different levels. Further, I hope he will learn the skill of working in a group for better collaborations and outcomes. I extend my best wishes for all his future ventures.
kamlesh kumari
Dr. Kamlesh Kumari
Professor @ SLIET
Want to collaborate for projects. Let's talk.